» » Canon EF 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM

Canon EF 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM

Canon EF 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM

  • Iris the Flowering Rainbow Goddess

    All pictures taken just out Edinburgh Scotland on 17 June 2010. Photos on Flickr www.flickr.com Article on blogger phhsykes.blogspot.com

  • Canon 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM Lens with Canon USA Warranty

    See this great product here www.beachcamera.com This Canon 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM Lens with Canon USA Warranty brought to you by Beach Camera, A top shopping destination for consumer electronics products. Powered by www.treepodia.com, the leading ecommerce video solution

  • Canon 7D Macro

    A complete "field day" with my Canon 7D and my new Canon 180mm Macro lens. As you will notice, all videos (including audio) is taken straight from the camera, and thrown in together without any alteration, i decided to leave the natural sound of the park. Not too many insects around, but i hope to find more next week, so i can try some good Close ups :) bottom line, this camera rocks. and the 180mm Macro lens is really awesome! Filmed with: Canon 7D Canon EF 180mm f/3.5 L USM Macro Come noterete, tutti i video (incluso l'audio) è preso direttamente dalla macchina e buttati insieme, senza nessun' alterazione. Ho deciso di lasciare l'audio naturale :) Tutto girato al Parco della Caffarella a Roma. attrezzatura: Canon 7D Canon EF 180mm f/3.5 L USM Macro

  • Pine Barrens Treefrogs in Richmond County, NC

    Pine Barrens Treefrogs are listed as a "Near Threatened" species. They occur in only three in three distinct populations in the the eastern United States. These include the Sandhills of North and South Carolina, the New Jersey Pine Barrens, and the Florida panhandle-(with Alabama). Considered by many to be most beautiful treefrog in the US, the Pine Barrens Treefrog is one of the smaller species of tree frogs. Shot with the Canon 5D mkII, and the Canon EF 180mm f/3.5 L USM Macro.

  • Halo Promo 4th Cut

    A sample from a corporate film for a nightclub produced for the imaging company ALL3D. Shot with 550D supplemented by a 5D Mark 2. Lenses- Canon EF 180mm f/3.5 L USM Macro Lens, Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II. Edited with Final Cut Pro. Final overlay titles and end-credit information has not been included here. This promotional film was produced at an extremely competitive price for our client, at a quality level which surpassed their expectations. If you would like to contact us to see what we can do to improve the visibility of your company with professional promotional films at an attractive rate please request so in the comments section and I will provide contact information. Thank you for viewing.

  • Học viện EOS - Những trải nghiệm từ ống kính Canon

    Hãy đăng ký thành viên tại Học viện Canon EOS www.hocvieneos.com hoặc http Để xem các video clip thú vị khác và có cơ hội tham gia các chương trình hấp dẫn do Canon tổ chức học viện eos flash canon canon eos hướng dẫn chụp ảnh dslr camera.(Lưu ý: Video clip có phụ đề tiếng Việt)

  • Praying Mantis 1080p 180mm macro

    Paul landau Praying Mantis 1080p 180mm macro

  • Odonata (Damselflies & Dragonflies) in the Cuyahoga Valley

    Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly and Wandering Glider Dragonfly in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Shot with a Canon 5D Mark II and EF 180mm f/3.5L Macro lens.

  • CANON EF 180mm F3.5 L Macro USM SLR Lens

    CANON EF 180mm F3.5 L Macro USM SLR Lens

  • araignée Canon 5D MK II + Canon macro photo MP-E 65mm F2.8 1-5x.mp4

    F = 2.8 ISO = 1000 K° = 3200 grossissement = 5x Complément lumière = Litepanels Micro

  • イモリ幼生(孵化から32日目)

    Canon EOS Kiss X4,EF180mm f/3.5L Macro USM,Tv 1/30,Av 7.1,ISO 1600

  • Canon EF - Macro-objectif 180 mm f/3.5 L USM

    "LE LIEN POUR AVOIR D'INFORMATION SUR LA RÉDUCTION À AMAZON.FR: www.amazon.fr Descriptions du produit Description du constructeur Canon a toujours tenu à proposer à ses clients des équipements qui surpassent leurs exigences de performance. Canon met en permanence l'accent sur l'innovation en introduisant sur le marché de nouvelles idées et de nouvelles technologies, en développant à chaque fois, une meilleure qualité et une plus grande convivialité. L'introduction des accessoires et objectifs témoigne encore de son engagement en termes de précision et de qualité, et manifeste également sa volonté de proposer des produits qui satisfont tous les besoins de ses clients. Descriptions du produit Grâce à des objectives macros à décentrement et bascule, des tubes-allonge, des filtres, des parasoleils et divers accessoires, la gamme des objectifs EF intègre certaines des technologies les plus perfectionnées au monde en matière d'optique de précision."

  • Canon 5D Mark II + 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM Lens Focus & Depth Test RAW

    Testing my Macro lens on my 5D II. Manual Focus. Unedited and RAW footage. In most of the shots, I was as close as the lens allows me. REALLY Shallow depth of field. get a great tripod, because mine was cheap and light, that's why it was shaking much. Really great 1920x1080 quality. all in all, mostly made for Macro fans. and paired up with a 2x Teleconverter, this lens becomes the ultimate zoomed in micro!!

  • Canon EFS

    Get a great deal here redirect.viglink.com?key=1f0527e04637dcdb26bf99b11836bfbf&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fdp%2FB0007WK8KS Customer Reviews "I once thought that macro lenses were too specialized and that I would seldom need something so fine that I could photograph the segments in an insect's eye. That was until I bought this lens.I use it with a Canon 20D. My other lenses include the 17-85 IS zoom (versatile range but slow and not sharp), the 70-200mm f2.8L non-IS zoom (great for those moderate telephoto needs), and a 50mm f1.8 prime (very good for the price). But the 60mm is now my favorite lens, by a large margin. It's on my camera all the time, and the other lenses spend most of their time in the bag.It's very sharp; it's not heavy or conspicuous, and it handles fine macro photography or standard walking-around work (though not useful for wider angles).It's a little unfortunate that it doesn't come with a hood - Canon must make a fortune selling those hoods at the prices they charge. I'm probably going to have to buy a hood or hope somebody sees it on my Amazon wish list. It also doesn't come with a case, but if you're keeping the lens in a decent camera bag you don't need a case for the lens.More important than a hood is some kind of support for camera if you're doing any serious macro photography. With the lens wide open at f2.8 and the subject close to the lens you will only have about 1/4 inch (2-3 mm) of depth-of-field. Your breathing can move the <b>...</b>

  • Canon EFS

    Get the best offer here redirect.viglink.com?key=f341fd9454fc162be8b38d504acbd4e1&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fdp%2FB0007WK8KS Customer Reviews "I once thought that macro lenses were too specialized and that I would seldom need something so fine that I could photograph the segments in an insect's eye. That was until I bought this lens.I use it with a Canon 20D. My other lenses include the 17-85 IS zoom (versatile range but slow and not sharp), the 70-200mm f2.8L non-IS zoom (great for those moderate telephoto needs), and a 50mm f1.8 prime (very good for the price). But the 60mm is now my favorite lens, by a large margin. It's on my camera all the time, and the other lenses spend most of their time in the bag.It's very sharp; it's not heavy or conspicuous, and it handles fine macro photography or standard walking-around work (though not useful for wider angles).It's a little unfortunate that it doesn't come with a hood - Canon must make a fortune selling those hoods at the prices they charge. I'm probably going to have to buy a hood or hope somebody sees it on my Amazon wish list. It also doesn't come with a case, but if you're keeping the lens in a decent camera bag you don't need a case for the lens.More important than a hood is some kind of support for camera if you're doing any serious macro photography. With the lens wide open at f2.8 and the subject close to the lens you will only have about 1/4 inch (2-3 mm) of depth-of-field. Your breathing can move the <b>...</b>