» » Loreo Pixi 3D Viewer 3D

Loreo Pixi 3D Viewer 3D

Loreo Pixi 3D Viewer 3D

  • Get Your 3D Glasses!

    Remember, I'll be making 3D videos from time to time, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to invest in a decent pair of glasses. When it comes to anaglyph glasses, I give you these tips: * The more expensive, the better. You don't want to be messing with flimsy, cardboard glasses, especially if you'll want to use them again and again. I specifically recommend the Pro-Ana 3D glasses ($8.95). * If you don't know which colors to get, get red/cyan. Whatever you do, don't get a color combo that's not either red/cyan, blue/amber, or green/magenta. Here's the link to the anaglyph glasses: www.3dstereo.com As far as parallel viewers go, the Loreo Pixi is by far the best I've found, especially for computer viewing. Here's the link to the Pixi: www.3dstereo.com If you already own 3D glasses, check this video to see how well they work: www.youtube.com Remember to leave a comment on THIS VIDEO when you've gotten your hands on some 3D glasses!

  • 3D Vid No Glasses Needed - "Leap of Faith" - Early "Eine Kleine" version

    3D Video - Fly into the forest. Watch mom say "I told you so!" Leap into the river. Composer Peter Sky plays "Eine Kleine" from his "Indigo Rain" CD as you zoom in 3-D through ancient forests of delight hiding in antique stereoscope cards. View with the Loreo Pixi viewer that is used with the iPad's Elements app, available at the Apple store or elsewhere online. Stereoscope cards like these captured the world in three dimensions from about 1840 until 1925. Here see rock towers of the Wisconsin Dells... Steeple Rocks Looking Down Butternut Ravine... "Lynn of Dec. Scotland" (bridge between the trees)... unknown lake and pond... Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemite... Mirror views of North and South Dome, Yosemite (the branch fly-over)... Dual Vista, Glen Onoco... Tripple Cascade Buttermilk Ravine... Wissahickon Creek pond... Steeple Rock Buttermilk Ravine... Ithaca Falls, New York... West Mountain, Yosemite... East Face Rock of Gibraltar By Moonlight... and Looking at the Matterhorn from Riffelburg Hotel, Switzerland. Peter Sky composes just by sitting at the keyboard. He has published six CDs of his music - Rainbow Butterfly, Winter Wonder World, New Breeze In Town, A Peter Sky Christmas Presence, Immersions, and Indigo Rain, which includes "Eine Kleine". Find him on your favorite download site, or visit his page at www.techmarkarts.com for more info about his music. Peter Sky and beede are cooperating Techmark Arts artists at www techmarkarts.com

  • 3D Vid No Glasses Needed -"Leap of Faith" - Composer Peter Sky

    Fly into the forest. Watch mom say "I told you so!" Leap into the splashing river. Composer Peter Sky plays songs from his new "Leap of Faith" CD as you zoom in 3-D through ancient forests of delight that are hiding in antique stereoscope cards. View this video with the Loreo Pixi viewer that is used with the iPad's Elements app, available at the Apple store, on eBay, or from Loreo. An antique viewer may work for you, too. Stereoscope cards like these captured the world in three dimensions from about 1840 until 1925. Here you first see the rock towers of the Wisconsin Dells... then "Steeple Rocks Looking Down Butternut Ravine"... "Lynn of Dec. Scotland" (Leap Into Love)... an unknown pond... "Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemite"... "Mirror views of North and South Dome, Yosemite" (flying over the branch)... "Dual Vista, Glen Onoco"... "Tripple Cascade Buttermilk Ravine"... "Wissahickon Creek pond"... "Steeple Rock Buttermilk Ravine"... "Ithaca Falls, New York"... "West Mountain, Yosemite"... "East Face Rock of Gibraltar By Moonlight"... and "Looking at the Matterhorn from Riffelburg Hotel, Switzerland". Peter Sky composes just by sitting at the keyboard. He has published seven CDs of his music - "Rainbow Butterfly", "Winter Wonder World", "New Breeze In Town", "A Peter Sky Christmas Presence", "Immersions", "Indigo Rain", and now "Leap of Faith". Find his CDs on your favorite download site, or visit us at www.techmarkarts.com for more info about Peter and his music. You can click <b>...</b>

  • Stereo_steve.avi

    A short experiment with stereo video, created exclusively with Blender 2.49 and Gimp. This is a parallel 3D sequence, I use the Loreo Pixi 3D viewer available on Ebay and from Loreo (www.loreo.com) - effective and cheap (about $3.00). Don't know if crossing your eyes will work, but feel free to try. The scene file uses a stereo camera rig (three cameras on an armature that lets me set the camera position and aiming point). I then used the video sequencer to build the stereo strip; create two image strips, then create a transform script for each, and finally add an ADD effect strip that mixes the two.

  • Why I Haven't Posted a VideoSong in Forever

    As you can see, this video is kind of long. So if you don't feel like watching the whole thing, may I suggest you watch this video instead: www.youtube.com Merry Christmas!


    "The Old Barn" is a short film by Dirk van der Ven shot in 3D Stereoscopic High Dynamic Range Imaging with a Canon Eos 550D including Magic Lantern. Lense used is a Loreo 9005 + 2x Raynox Pro 6600 .66 wide angle converter. High Dynamic Range video processed and edited with Magix Pro X 3. Best viewed with the Loreo 3D Pixi Viewer.


    "Grazing Horses" is a short film by Dirk van der Ven shot in 3d Stereoscopic High Dynamic Range Imaging with a Canon Eos 550D including Magic Lantern. Lense used is a Loreo 9005. High Dynamic Range video processed and edited with Magix Pro X 3. Best viewed with the Loreo 3D Pixi Viewer.

  • Loreo Objektiv

    Bei deutsche Amazon-Website kaufen redirect.viglink.com?key=f8c1c5d8cab36f6602011db4ae07e5bc&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ede%2Fexec%2Fobidos%2FASIN%2FB0047CVAHE%2Felektronik%5Famba3%2D21 Produktbeschreibungen Loreo Objektiv 3D ist in der Fotografie ein ebenso beliebtes Thema wie zB im Kino. Leider war eine qualitativ hochwertige Umsetzung in der Vergangenheit oft nur mit teurer Spezialausrüstung möglich. Eine kostengünstige und erstklassige Lösung bieten wir Ihnen mit dem 3D Makro-Objektiv. Hiermit können Sie alle gängigen Spiegelreflexkameras ganz einfach in eine 3D-Kamera umwandeln. Die Linse wird einfach anstelle des herkömmlichen Objektivs vor das Gehäuse montiert. Der Strahlteiler am Objektiv sorgt für exakte Zwillingsbilder, die zeitgleich auf einem Foto nebeneinander platziert werden. Das 3D-Objektiv bietet mit f11, f16 und f22 drei verschiedene Blendeneinstellungen. Die Brennweite beträgt 38mm. Den Aufnahmeabstand können Sie zwischen 23 und 85cm einstellen. Mit dem 52mm Filtergewinde haben Sie zudem die Möglichkeit, optionale Makro-Vorsatzlinsen zu benutzen und damit zB den Abstand zusätzlich zu verkürzen. Um die gemachten Bilder anschauen und bewerten zu können, stehen Ihnen zwei verschiedene Bildbetrachter zur Verfügung. Der „Lite 3D Viewer" aus Pappkarton für Print sowie der „Loreo Pixi Stereo" für die Betrachtung am Monitor. Haftungsausschlüsse Lesambassadeurs ist Teilnehmer des Partnerprogramms von Amazon EU, das zur Bereitstellung eines Mediums für <b>...</b>