» » Velbon PH-157 Q

Velbon PH-157 Q

Velbon PH-157 Q

  • Mini Home Studio

    Riggade upp kameran på stativet och testade nya blixten med fjärrutlösare. Självporträtt.

  • Samyang 500mm F6.3 TEST 01

    Тестирование объектива Samyang MIRROR LENS 500mm F6.3. Тушка CANON 60D штатив VELBON Sherpa 800R + PH-157Q. До объекта съемки около 600 метров. Оптика ОЧЕНЬ критична к боковому свету. (В кадре с правой стороны отсвет от оконной рамы)

  • Samyang 500mm F6.3 TEST 02

    Тестирование объектива Samyang MIRROR LENS 500mm F6.3. Тушка CANON 60D штатив VELBON Sherpa 800R + PH-157Q. До объекта съемки около 400 метров. Снимал сквозь листву.

  • Samyang 500mm F6.3 TEST 03

    Тестирование объектива Samyang MIRROR LENS 500mm F6.3. Тушка CANON 60D штатив VELBON Sherpa 800R + PH-157Q. До объекта съемки около 12 метров.

  • Samyang 500mm F6.3 TEST 04

    Тестирование объектива Samyang MIRROR LENS 500mm F6.3. Тушка CANON 60D штатив VELBON Sherpa 800R + PH-157Q

  • Samyang 500mm F6.3 TEST 05

    Тестирование объектива Samyang MIRROR LENS 500mm F6.3. Тушка CANON 60D штатив VELBON Sherpa 800R + PH-157Q

  • Velbon PH157

    Acquista da Amazon Italy www.amazon.it Descrizione prodotto Velbon PH157 Velbon PH-157 Q Rivelazione: Neukom partecipa al Programma Affiliazione Amazon EU, un programma di affiliazione che consente ai siti di percepire una commissione pubblicitaria pubblicizzando e fornendo link al sito Amazon.it. Amazon e il logo Amazon sono marchi registrati di Amazon, Inc. o delle sue affiliate.

  • Velbon PH157Q Mehrwegeneiger

    Bei Amazon DE kaufen bit.do Customer Reviews: "Den PH 157Q habe ich mir mit meinem Velbon Sherpa Stativ gekauft. Es ist ein sehr einfacher, aber stabiler Dreiwegeneiger. Die horizontale, wie die vertikale Einstellung lässt sich über den Drehhebel korrigieren. Die seitliche Neigung über einen zusätzlichen Versteller am sehr massiven Wechselplattenträger.Der preisgünstige Velbon ist verarbeitungstechnisch sehr gut. Der Wechselplattenträger ist sehr stabil, wie auch die Verriegelung. Die Bedienung geht einwandfrei und präzise.Der Einsatzbereich des Velbon ist klar bei den leichteren DSLR Modellen(Oly 420/520, Canon 450/1000, Pentax K100/200/Km, Nikon D 40/50/60) mit einfachen Objektiven zu suchen. Mit schweren lichtstarken Objektiven und schweren DSLRs wird die Belastung zu hoch.Mein Fazit: Das gebotene ist für den Geldeinsatz mehr als zufriedenstellend. 5 Sterne" "Der Velbon PH-157Q Mehrzwegneiger hat mich schon nach dem auspacken voll überzeugt. Das Produkt macht einen stabilen und hochwertigen Eindruck wie ich finde. Über die abnehmbare schnellwechselplatte lässt sich die Kamere immer wieder schnell vom Stativ nehmen und wieder fest aufsetzen.Ich würde das Produkt jederzeit wieder kaufen." Produktbeschreibungen Velbon PH157Q Mehrwegeneiger Velbon PH-157 Q Haftungsausschlüsse: Lesambassadeurs ist Teilnehmer des Partnerprogramms von Amazon EU, das zur Bereitstellung eines Mediums für Websites konzipiert wurde <b>...</b>

  • Velbon SHERPA

    Buy from Amazon CA Site www.amazon.ca Product Description Velbon SHERPA The Velbon SHERPA 750R 61" Aluminum Tripod with Panhead & Case is a compact design with four section legs and lever-style locks. The legs can be locked to a near-horizontal position for very low shooting and the center column can be split in half to maximize the low position afforded by the legs. The Velbon Sherpa 750R is supplied with a matching three-way pan and tilt head with a cork-finished quick release plate. The PH-157Q is a 3-way pantilt head that features all die-cast metal construction with a quick release mechanism and large single pan handle that controls all operation. This head is a video camera style design with a control arm that can lock and unlock both pan and tilt movement in one single-handed twist of the handle. It's particularly useful for following moving subjects. It will support a full camera system up to 8.8 pounds. Disclaimer: Orchid is a participant in the Amazon.ca, Inc. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon CA Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.

  • Velbon SHERPA

    Get a great deal here redirect.viglink.com?key=1f0527e04637dcdb26bf99b11836bfbf&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fdp%2FB000IGD0GC Product Description Velbon SHERPA The Velbon SHERPA 750R 61" Aluminum Tripod with Panhead & Case is a compact design, with four section legs and lever-style locks. The legs can be locked to a near-horizontal position for very low shooting and the center column can be split in half to maximize the low position afforded by the legs. The Velbon Sherpa 750R is supplied with a matching three-way pan and tilt head, with a cork-finished quick release plate. The PH-157Q is a 3-way pan head that features all die-cast metal construction, with a quick release mechanism, and large single pan handle that controls all operation. This head is a video camera style design, with a control arm that can lock and unlock both pan and tilt movement in one single-handed twist of the handle. It's particularly useful for following moving subjects. It will support a full camera system, up to 8.8 pounds.

  • Velbon SHERPA

    Buy from Amazon US redirect.viglink.com?key=f341fd9454fc162be8b38d504acbd4e1&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fexec%2Fobidos%2FASIN%2FB000IGD0GC%2Felectro%5Fhope%2D20 Product Description Velbon SHERPA The Velbon SHERPA 750R 61" Aluminum Tripod with Panhead & Case is a compact design, with four section legs and lever-style locks. The legs can be locked to a near-horizontal position for very low shooting and the center column can be split in half to maximize the low position afforded by the legs. The Velbon Sherpa 750R is supplied with a matching three-way pan and tilt head, with a cork-finished quick release plate. The PH-157Q is a 3-way pan head that features all die-cast metal construction, with a quick release mechanism, and large single pan handle that controls all operation. This head is a video camera style design, with a control arm that can lock and unlock both pan and tilt movement in one single-handed twist of the handle. It's particularly useful for following moving subjects. It will support a full camera system, up to 8.8 pounds. Disclaimer: Hope is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.